Pubg Mobile Gun Damage Chart
With rates of fire time to kill and video support check it out amigos.
Pubg mobile gun damage chart. Beryl M762 44 M16A4 43 SCAR-L 42. 7 Assault Rifles Stats. Below you will see PUBG Mobile weapon tables with detailed info our recommendations for each category and some tips and.
These values are estimated by doing an experiment in the private lobby. HOME PAGE POWER RANKINGS 1 TO 10 SOUNDS MARKERS BACKPACK MANAGEMENT HOME PAGE POWER RANKINGS 1 TO 10 SOUNDS MARKERS BACKPACK MANAGEMENT PUBG MOBILE WEAPON stats. One should have a fair idea about the pistol stats because these side-arms deserve some credit for kick-starting the.
Pubg gun damage chart All guns included. 6 PUBG Mobile Weapons DMR. Damage per shotgun pellet.
The following are the known statistics for all the weapons in PLAYERUKNOWNs BATTLEGROUNDS. Keep in mind that these are not accurate values but closest to them. Info for PUBG version 122151 Generated 20210630.
PUBG weapon damage stats and charts including the new MP5K. Each website relies on hundreds of spreadsheets and each website has different numbers. Down below is a list of all the weapons on PUBG Mobile alongside their damage stats and fire time.
PUBG Guns Specifications Damage Firing rate Recoil Updated 2021 Hello folks Here I am going to tell you about damages recoil and firing rates of all PUBG Guns. Mk47 Mutant 49 AKM 47. In short I am going to tell you PUBG Guns Specifications.