Pubg Mobile Guns Damage
S686 and S1897 Highest damage These can deal the highest damage but remember that you are going to do it with an enemy who is close enough to receive the hit.
Pubg mobile guns damage. You can take down an enemy in only 1-2 seconds as long as all bullets connect. But do you actually know the amount of damage each gun offers. This PUBG Mobile weapon stats chart included damage chart range recoil and fire rate of all the weapons that have listed in the game.
Here are the top 5 guns for the fastest kills in BGMI and PUBG Mobile. The UMP9 deals the second highest damage to all the SMGs right behind the Tommy Gun making it a very viable late-stage gun when fitted out with attachments. We already have a weapons guide for PUBG Mobile but it is nearly a year oldThe game has changed quite a lot since then and lots of weapons were added to the maps especially with the latest zombie updateTherefore we have decided to update our guide.
When it gets to choosing a weapon PUBG mobile has tons of choices to pick. Even a level 3 helmet is not sufficient to hold damage from this gun. Maps Weapons Weapon Tiers Club Blog.
AR Guns Assault Rifles Guns. PUBG Mobile continues to be one of the most popular online mobile games in the country. Thats why its only spawned in the airdrop to maintain the balance.
Pubg Mobile AR Guns Damage Stats. But it is clearly slower. Groza is also the most stable gun among 762 weapons in this game.
Micro UZI is one of the best close-range guns with one of the highest rates of fire. MP5K 33 Vector 31 Micro UZI 26. The weapon stats data is NOT OFFICIAL since PUBG Mobile only has their gun statistic in power bar.