Pubg Mobile Guns Damage List
This gun has the highest damage in the game and uses 0300 Magnum ammunition.
Pubg mobile guns damage list. The S686 and the S1897 have the best damage. Do note these are not accurate numbers but are the closest values. If a strategy is the brain of PUBG Mobile guns are the lifeline of the game and being oblivious about them could kill you instantly.
Top 10 Highest Damage Guns In Pubg Mobile Assault Rifles LMG Pubg Mobile Best Guns DamageLIKE For more gaming videos Comment what type of video you wan. PUBG Mobile lite has eight weapons categories in the weapon list. Tips.
Most websites recorded their data via private matches and some dont include the feet. Even a level 3 helmet is not sufficient to hold damage from this gun. All the statistics are gathered in one place.
Each type of weapon helps players deal with different ranges. So without any further ado lets check out the list of Battlegrounds Mobile India guns and throwables. The game developers dont actually offer official stats but thanks to various sources we do have a certain idea.
Here is a list of weapons along with their damage per bullet fire rate and other details that you will see in the arsenal of every Battlegrounds Mobile India player once the game releases sometime in mid-June. Weapon List. Compare the stats and general application in this comprehensible weapon list for all Submachine Guns available in PUBG Mobile.
Best Guns in PUBG Mobile Ranked. Firstly when I strted to play game pubg then I dont about all guns and then I search on internet to look all the gunsSo after taking all the knowledge about guns I decide to make a helpful guide that you can also have the knowledge about each gun. But the three shotguns are really fast killing.