Pubg Mobile Guns List
V e Weapons.
Pubg mobile guns list. If a strategy is the brain of PUBG Mobile guns are the lifeline of the game and being oblivious about them could kill you instantly. Some weapon drops vary in rarity. Players usually prefer to use weapons.
Find info about all the weapons currently available in PUBG Mobile in this Weapon List. View all weapon types tier down below. Tier 1 Strong Mini 14.
4 PUBG Mobile Weapons. Here we made a list of all guns by category after the latest update of the game on 09 July 2021. Info included on Magazine Size Reload.
The last WW1 weapon in PUBG Mobile is a Shotgun. So it also has several types. It is essential to have a better combination or set of guns to get Chicken Dinner in PUBG Mobile.
PUBG MobileAll Weapon List Stats. Heres a list of some of the best and worst guns in PUBG Mobile. In PUBG Mobile there are currently 42 weapons with 7 different types such as Assault rifles Sniper rifles DMRs Submachine guns Light machine guns Pistols and Melees.
Firstly when I strted to play game pubg then I dont about all guns and then I search on internet to look all the gunsSo after taking all the knowledge about guns I decide to make a helpful guide that you can also have the knowledge about each gun. In Pubg all guns are categorized in the following groups- 1Assault Rifles AR 2Sniper Rifles 3Light Machine Guns LMS. MP5K 33 Vector 31 Micro UZI 26.