Pubg Mobile Harley Quinn
Coming soon to PlayerUnknowns Battlegrounds.
Pubg mobile harley quinn. The entire trailer follows through the infamous couple fighting their way out. It introduced a temporary game mode that let. Pubg Gets Joker Harley Quinn Skins Cost More Than The Full Game.
Note that the new skins will be initially available for PUBG for PC and Xbox. Theres no word on when the skins are coming for PUBG Mobile. Contact HarLey Quinnz - PUBG on Messenger.
2 people like this. Please Like Comment Subscribe Pubg Lite ID. For the past year the Xbox One has been the exclusive console home of PlayerUnknowns Battlegrounds but.
Live on and play as two of your favorite Suicide Squad heroes the Joker and Harley Quinn. PUBG - Suicide Squad Joker and Harley Quinn Skins Gameplay Trailer for PC. DC Comics characters have finally made their entry in PUBG PS4 in the form of character skins of The Joker and Harley Quinn.
The entire trailer follows through the infamous couple fighting their way out of the prison. PUBG has shared an official trailer featuring the Joker and Harley Quinn breaking out of a prison in Miramar map. As per a trailer released on Twitter and YouTube Joker and Quinn are confirmed to be a part of the update.
Harley Quinns Daddys Lil Monster outfit complete with Good Night baseball bat skins for the crowbar and machete can be. Note that the new skins will be initially available for pubg for pc and xbox. See more of HarLey Quinnz - PUBG on Facebook.