Pubg Mobile How To Get Titles
III You have to finish your enemy in mid-range battle.
Pubg mobile how to get titles. Then you use a minimal match. Play like a pro player to obtain all titles in PUBG Mobile. Open your Mailbox and search for a mail titled Redeem code reward.
It means that you have to get Chicken Dinner with all weapons in this game. You went into that match last and should not. The PUBG Partner title is a title that is available for PUBG Mobile content creators only.
The pacifist title is one of the top achievements for the Pubg mobile player. Most of the players have this title alongside their name. To achieve the scavenger title in Pubg mobile you have to loot airdrops in the battleground.
One of the easiest ways to get the title in the game is Well-Liked title. Once you reach to 1000 likes then you will have this title beside your name. This is done now the rules we will tell you how you will do with AG method then you reach platinum in the solo game of the first game.
As well as you can choose any mode like solo recommended. However the PUBG Partner title is a special title that you wont find here. Open PUBG Mobile and Click on Missions in Bottom-Right Side.
Now choose your favourite mode. A player will need to purchase the Elite Royale Pass for three consecutive seasons to get this title. Click On Any title You Want to Achieve.