Pubg Mobile Is Not Starting
Most of the time the problem is with your device.
Pubg mobile is not starting. Increase RAM and CPU cores. While in PUBG PC there is no such thing called Bots. You may play other games but it may not have enough resources to support PUBG.
All the gaming and PUBG fans were left disappointed and they started to try other alternatives. Anyone encountering the same problem. Try Browing your local pubg file through steam and make sure the pubg tslexe is located in the right place.
If certain files are missing or have gone corrupt the game will not be able to launch correctly. How to fix Pubg mobile stuck on loadingPubg stuck on Tencent games screenPubg mobile not loadingPubg mobile not startingPubg mobile not working. The PUBG Mobile is designed in such a manner where a noob gets his first chicken dinner easily.
About this video -Pubg mobile not starting today Pubg mobile not opening problem solution why pubg mobile not opening. When Im clicking the Verify files integrity it doesnt do anything. So please insure that there is no disturbance in your internet connection.
The government of India banned 118 mobile apps including PUBG Mobile and PUBG Mobile Lite back in September under Section 69A of Information Technology Act 2009. My Gameplay Channel - httpswwwy. After the 2 updates PUBG is not starting anymore.
Have fun and good luck out there dude. Soon after that both the games. Open your pubg directory right click on pubg in your steam game list then select properties local files tab browse local files and navigating to PUBGTslGameContentPaks In there delete all files which DO NOT start with pakchunk After that verify your game files in steam again.