Pubg Mobile Link Account
How do I un-link my social media accounts.
Pubg mobile link account. Select the Settings cogwheel button located on the bottom right of your lobby screen 3. We use your global PUBG account as a vessel to deliver Twitch drops limited time in-game swag and more. Now you can open your pubg acc with Gmail also if Facebook disabled.
PUBG MOBILE is a Battle Royale mobile game created independently by Lightspeed Quantum Studios of Tencent Game officially licensed by PLAYERUNKNOWNS BATTLEGROUNDS. If you get a message saying theres already a character linked to that new service youll have to log into that service and delete its current account before you can link your main to it. However each mobile platform has its own login method.
Once you log-in to the Global account link your Xbox account using the option in Linked accounts You have to link the same XboxMicrosoft account in which you have purchased the game. It was released globally in March 2018. Select the Square icon located by the.
How to Log out of PUBG Mobile. Built with Unreal Engine 4 PUBG MOBILE focuses on visual quality maps shooting experience and other aspects providing an all-rounded surreal Battle Royale. Creating a PUBG account opens up a world of opportunities.
Log in with the social media account you wish to keep linked to your PUBG Mobile account The social media account. For example Android smartphone users can use their Google Play credentials to login into the PUBG account and the game syncs all the data on that account. No amount of closing and re-launching the game let you.
You can register with your email or by linking an account you already have from the options listed. Click on Sign up to create an account 2. ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT PUBG Support.