Pubg Mobile Lite Available Countries
PUBG Lite Available 52 countries.
Pubg mobile lite available countries. Philippines Malaysia Burma Indonesia Thailand Laos Cambodia Singapore Hongkong Macao. Currently available in select countries in South and South East Asia South America the Middle East. PUBG Lite the free-to-play version of PlayerUnknowns.
PUBG Mobile Lite is currently available in the following countries. List of countries that can play the game in 2021 PUBGMobileLite PUBG PUBGMobileIndia. Updated on July 10 2019.
And according to news PUBG Mobile Lite. Asia Pakistan Sri Lanka Bangladesh Nepal Kazakhstan Uzbekistan Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan Turkomanstan. To know if it is available in your region open the link below which redirects you to Play Store for you to download.
Tag your friends if your country is listed for launch signups are open. PUBG MOBILE LITE will soon. There is no confirmation or any exact release date.
Pakistan Sri Lanka Bangladesh Nepal Kazakhstan Uzbekistan Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan Turkomanstan. This has been a long-awaited event according to the official press release from PUBG LITE. Open up the selected PUBG Lite Available 52 countries and embark on exploring right now.
Pubg mobile lite pubgmobilelitenewverson available. Player Unknowns Battle Grounds which is better known as PUBG has now become an inseparable part of the life of young people over the world. The new PUBG Mobile Lite is available only in a few select countries for now.