Pubg Mobile Livik Adventure
PUBG Mobiles New Map LIvik.
Pubg mobile livik adventure. Livik Adventure Event And Rewards PUBG Mobile. PUBG PUBGLIVIK PUBHLIVIKMAP PUBG Mobile New Map LIVIK Gameplay. Since the Livik map is more suited to fast and hectic battles the new weapons in the PUBG Mobile 0190 update include weapons that are appropriately suited for quickly shooting and moving.
The Black Commander bundle includes an outfit set and a headgear. The map Livik is divided into 6 areas from A to F. MY adventure in pubg mobile litesabmetugisabmetugi gaming.
To be honest i kind of like the map its visuals and graphics are eye catching. One random region and corresponding mission will. Please Subscribe And Like BG SFKpubgpubgmmobiletipstricksprobestindiahindirecordworldupdatepatchguidesoloduosquademulatoripadclawsett.
You can check out the missions of each. Blomster Gronhus Lupin FeltZone B. Hey GuysIn this video we will be going to know about pubg mobile 0190 first event name livik adventureDownloading Link.
Each of these areas has 3 missions for you to complete every day including a personal mission and two shared missions. With this new update along with the new map Livik there will be a Livik Adventure event which will also happen from 7th to 13th July. PUBG LIVIK ADVENTURE EVENT ALL MISSION EXPLANATIONZone A.
Untuk merayakan kedatangan Map Livik maka PUBG Mobile mengadakan Misi Petualangan Livik atau Livik Adventure. Hlw pubg lovers i am sneha welcome to our. Let me know in the comments below if.