Pubg Mobile Lunar Festival
Pubg Mobile Lunar Festival.
Pubg mobile lunar festival. PUBG MOBILE ranked No1 as the best mobile game by worldwide downloads in 2019 according to SensorTower. Royale Pass Month 2. PUBG Mobile game is not only a favorite game for everyone but it is also known for its amazing in-game rewards.
Collect your favorite prizes here right now. The new event and awards are available for PUBG Mobile players across the world. Lunar New Year is coming.
Global Outfit Design Contest 2021. PUBG Mobile is ready for a Prosperous Spring. Download PUBG MOBILE Frost Festival v11 APK OBB File Directly From PUBG Servers The latest PUBG MOBILE Frost Festival v11 APK is just 610 MB in size.
Log in for a total of 7 days during the New Year Event to collect the grand prizeEvent Period. ROYALE PASS SEASON 18. Missbellatrix pubgmobile vpntricksIn this video I have shared a new vpn trick to get legendary outfit and headgear set parachute and permanent ornament s.
Royale Pass Month 1. Besides focusing on social responsibility campaign PUBG MOBILE has collaborated with leading movie IPs top sportsmen and. PUBG Mobile also shared more details about the Lunar New Year celebration event in a dedicated video.
Tencent and PUBG Mobile Corp are always come up with new and coolest in-game items which are very much unique from any other game. Next Star Content Creator Program. As one of the most popular mobile game around the world PUBG MOBILE always encourage players to face challenges and improve themselves BE THE 1.