Pubg Mobile Medals List
Pubg Medals List Pubg PubgMedalsList PubgCompetetions PubgContests EarnMoney.
Pubg mobile medals list. You might have often come across different kinds of medals in PUBG after. Pubg is one game that has a list of medals that are given to the players. PUBG Superior Crate Coupon x1 Run Chicken Run.
So what exactly does the medal mean. Marathon Man When a player covers 1000 meter distance by feet. Medic Citation needed.
Meaning of all the medals you get after match end in PUBG MobileI havent got some medals in game All the information is from the InternetSo if you find any. Gunslinger When a player gets kills between 7-10. PUBG Mobiles Medal List and Meaning.
Watch short gameplay clips tutorials videos about Stream in PUBG MOBILE recorded on Medal by millions of players. PUBG MOBILE ranked No1 as the best mobile game by worldwide downloads in 2019 according to SensorTower. It is not necessary to win a match in order to get a PUBG Medal.
Revive teammates 10 times. Walk for a total of 10000 meters. Matches Complete the following.
PUBG MOBILE has published over 200 countries and regions with over 600 Million Downloads and 50 Million Daily Active Players worldwide excluding Mainland China. May 16 2019 - Have you ever thought what does the PUBG Mobile medals mean. It doesnt make a difference whether you win or lose.