Pubg Mobile Metro Royale Guide
More mysterious prizes to be unlocked with everyones joint efforts.
Pubg mobile metro royale guide. Fack yarr what you say i am dont in crazy. Players around the world will work together to unlock the Survival Guide and discover the secrets of this new mode. It made a lot of players excited while many others got confused with this new game mode.
Lassen Sie uns alles durchgehen was Sie wissen müssen bevor Sie in ein Metro Royale PUBG Mobile-Spiel einsteigenNeueste Nachrichten - PUBG Mobile Staffel 16 ist livePUBG Mobile Season. Release Date 17th November. I have improved so much since this video.
View the Metro Royale story and answer questions to get Survival Guide EXP. Metro royale mode on PUBG mobile. Please check out my more recent ones.
You will get a separate lobby to go inside another PUBG world to get fun of the new mode. Lihat cerita Metro Royale dan jawab pertanyaan untuk mendapatkan EXP Survival Guide. Thank you PUBG MOBILE for sponsoring this videohttpspubgmobileliveMRFeitzPUBGMOBILE MetroRoyaleSOCIAL MEDIATwitter.
PUBG MOBILE - Metro Royale Overview Metro Royale arrives on November 10th. View your Survival Guide. While its a pretty new concept the developers have released a version of the game that can be played on a mobile device.
In this game youll be playing as a mercenary that parachutes onto an island. Banyak hadiah kejutan menantimu. 18w 2 likes Reply.