Pubg Mobile Mosin Nagant
New Sniper in PUBG Mosin Nagant.
Pubg mobile mosin nagant. As stated above the Mosin-Nagant was added to PUBG Mobile with the 13 update. You can download this skin form PUBG FREE SKIN just click on it then save. Trong bản cập nhật sắp tới của PUBG Mobile nhà phát triển sẽ mang đến một vũ khí mới mang tên Mosin NagantNó trông khá giống khẩu súng trường bắn tỉa huyền thoại Kar98K.
I Will NEVER Use Mosin Nagant After THIS Match PUBG Mobile 32 KILLS BGMI PUBGM. Mosin Nagant adalah senjata yang ada di dalam game PUBG PC. Also wer von ihnen ist die bessere PUBG Mobil gunFinden wir es mit WebTech360 heraus.
Upload by casetoo 338716 views 39355 Liked. PUBGモバイルPUBG MOBILEスマホアプリ版のモシンナガンMosin Nagantの性能を紹介しています装備できるアタッチメントやモシンナガンMosin Nagantの使い方組み合わせたい武器の解説も記載しておりますのでPUBGの攻略にぜひご活用ください. PUBG Mobile already has a wide range of weapons and the latest addition has already got.
The performance and stats of the new sniper are similar to the Kar98k sniper. Submit request or Delete this video. Mit der Einführung des neuen Gleitrohrgewehrs Mosin Nagant in PUBG Mobile 13 steht den Spielern nun eine größere Auswahl an Waffen für Fernkämpfe zur VerfügungDerzeit haben Sie 3 Gewehre mit Schieber.
Ternyata awal rilis di PUBG PC senjata sniper ini punya banyak sekali kekurangan. Mosin Nagant is a new bolt-action sniper rifle in PUBG Mobile. PUBG Mobile C1S1 M2 royale pass 3.
Max Landry NCS Releas. M24 Kar98k und Mosin Nagant die sich nicht im Lauf befinden. The stats attachments ammunition etc.