Pubg Mobile Mouse And Keyboard Reddit
PUBG mobile with a mouse and keyboard.
Pubg mobile mouse and keyboard reddit. SOLVED 3 2 23. How can I play PUBG on my laptop keyboard. Looks like some PUBG Mobile players have found a way to cheat by using a mouse and keyboard.
Teach you how to view and edit your keyboard controls. Press J to jump to the feed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts.
New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Prone To know all the keys just view this complete article. Some of the major controls are WASD.
Is there any setting i missed or is this normal. And it is literally impossible to play this game with a mouse using the touch UI. Posted by 2 years ago.
PUBG Mobile is played around the world by millions of gamers. This thread is archived. PUBG mobile with a keyboard and mouse.
For all the people playing pubg mobile with a mouse and KB i hate you a great deal. Please try and be more considerate before you bash on an OP. With a long match duration for a mobile game PUBG Mobile players will be more sore and tired.