Pubg Mobile Official Controller Support
Utilizing a controller for the versatile fight royale hit is somewhat confused.
Pubg mobile official controller support. PUBG Mobile finally made its way to the US. For PUBG Mobile there is no official controller support for the game outside of movement meaning you can connect a Bluetooth-enabled controller to your mobile device. The official word from Tencent and Bluehole is that controllers and mobile gamepads and Bluetooth controllers arent officially supported by PUBG Mobile on any device Android- or iOS-based.
Even though Tencent hasnt officially integrated controller support into PUBG Mobile resourceful people have found ways to make it work. The committed and passionate team behind PUBG Mobile took the opportunity to push out version 095 of. PUBG Mobile does not support the use of Bluetooth controllers on Android and iOS devices.
HttpsgeniusJ1NU6qFollow Us On SocialOur Websit. The best option for support is through the in-game Customer Service icon in the settings menu. This week and its surprise launch has left players with many questions particularly on the topic of controller support.
Can you use a PS4 or Xbox controller with PUBG Mobile. Now that weve answered the question of can you use a controller on PUBG mobile heres how you can unofficially do it on Android. Does PUBG Mobile have controller support.
The mobile version of PUBG is being handled by Tencent and they will also be able to assist for any questions that you may have. There are ways to get around this with certain plug-ins and devices but these are not officially. PUBG Mobile finally made its way to the US.
There are ways to achieve this with some plug-ins and devices but these are not officially supported and may restrict your account. Controller bolster isnt exactly pervasive. Are there any workarounds to use a controller.