Pubg Mobile Overheating
Accourding to various tests smartphones can reach higher as 180F which is obviously not good for the internal components for your smartphone.
Pubg mobile overheating. View Via Youtube. The game automatically set my settings to Ultra so I didnt touch anything and after playing for about half an hour my computer blue screens and then restarts with BIOS saying it shut down due to CPU Overheating. How To Fix Lag And Reduce Heat On Pubg Mobile.
If your system is overheating you can follow the steps mentioned to reduce the system temperature. Check if the CPU fan is working or not Avoid blocking the CPU cabinet vents. Anyone else have this problem with PUBG.
HOW TO STOP YOUR PHONE FROM OVERHEATING WHILE PLAYING PUBG MOBILE smartphone overheating is a common and annoying problem nowadays. I was really looking. PUBG is overheating my CPU.
Ronald1985 127001 Level 5. Follow these six very important measures which can control your phone from overheating. Yes till now it only happened while playing pubg mobile that my device was overheating and restarts but yesterday the same thing happened while I was charging my phone.
To avoid this problem you need to play PUBG Mobile in room light or under the shade. Drfone Whatsapp Transfer Tool. Phone heating problem in pubg overheating Fixed.
I had kept my phone on charge and then I just unlocked it to check few notifications only to see that the phone was overheated and the moment I unlocked the phone it restarted itself. I just built a brand new rig on Saturday specs are i7-7700k and a 1080 ti. Then you will also experience lag while playing the game.