Pubg Mobile Pc Settings For Fps
Second is Gameplay Settings in PUBG Mobile that are common to all devices.
Pubg mobile pc settings for fps. And the third is Graphics settings which need to be adjusted based on your phonedevice. The Emulator is the Tencent gaming buddyMy SpecsCPU. Generally all low end mobiles supports 60FPS or 60 frames per second refresh rate hz.
The best options can be Classic and Colorful. For better FPS then you have to use a high refresh rate monitors. How to increase PUBG Mobile FPS on PC.
Launch PUBG PC and open the settings by clicking on the options icon on the top right Looks like a gear. In the displayed list look for and click on the item In the game. I will explain and show you how to set every setting in PUBG PC.
Unable to Select PUBG Mobile 90 FPS Option If youre not getting the 90 FPS setting then there a few things you can try. Select Smooth Settings for Graphics and then select 90 fps. PUBG Mobile is probably one of the most popular and most played mobile games on both android and iOS platforms.
However for that along with all your skill and game sense you would be requiring the best graphics setting of PUBG Mobile to compete at a bigger stage. Now open the Graphics tab. You can now start the game and go to the PUBG game settings.
Choose the gaming monitor with a refresh rate of 144hz. Run Steam on behalf of the administrator and log in with your account. First youll want to right-click on PUBG in your Steam library and select properties.