Pubg Mobile Player Count
According to the data from a sports portal China ranks at first with 24 of players.
Pubg mobile player count. Everyone loves the game because of what it offers to the players. How many players are currently playing the game and the summary of players in each month. KRAFTON announces pre-registrations for BATTLEGROUNDS MOBILE INDIA 2021-05-18.
Dear PUBG MOBILE Players We have always strived to deliver a gaming environment that is fair and enjoyable for every player and prevent cheating. PUBG Mobile has 400 million users with 50 million playing every day June 13 2019 PUBG Mobile is becoming quite the sleeper hit. Come back to this page when you want the latest update on live PUBG players or update to show the most recent amount of players online.
PUBG Mobile was the highest grossing game in 2020 generating 26 billion in revenue It has been downloaded over 730 million times In Q3 2020 over 50 million people played the game daily. The PUBG Mobile player count has reached an equal number of players to Fortnite. In 2018 PUBG was the most played game on Steam in terms of the peak number of concurrent players the game reached more than 32 million players in a single hour in its peak far surpassing its.
We take this issue very seriously. PlayerUnknowns BattleGrounds PUBG 10 months ago. While the vast majority of our collective battle royale attention.
See the latest live player count and live monthly statistics for PUBG. As such each account in violation has received a 10-year ban. KRAFTON thanks Indian Fans for overwhelming response to BATTLEGROUNDS MOBILE INDIA 2021-06-03.
Ad blockers may prevent stats from updating please whitelist us. 51 Zeilen Stats and leaderboards for playerunknowns battlegrounds better known as PUBG. However a conclusive stats of top countries as per the player count also includes PC players.