Pubg Mobile Players Count
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Pubg mobile players count. Both games have claimed that 200 million. In December 2019 there were a total of 600 million PUBG mobile all time players. Guildeds PUBG Mobile stats system tracks your teams PUBG Mobile stats analyzes your PUBG Mobile teams compositions and provides advanced stats and recommendations tuned by thousands of tournament matches.
This makes the title one of the most played video games ever. In 2018 PUBG was the most played game on Steam in terms of the peak number of concurrent players the game reached more than 32 million players in a single hour in its peak far surpassing its. 53 Zeilen Avg.
4 AM Xinhe AKA Li He from China. PUBG Mobile key statistics. 95 Zeilen Most-played mobile games by player count with at least 20 million Game As of.
PUBG Mobile has 400 million users with 50 million playing every day. RRQ G9 AKA Pachachai Han from Thaialnd. June 13 2019 PUBG Mobile is becoming quite the sleeper hit.
PlayerUnknowns Battlegrounds Mobile has announced an impressive milestone of 10 million daily active users around the world. Get up-to-date player and viewer count stats for the most popular games with GitHyp. It has been downloaded over 730 million times.
These are your next 10 best PUBG Mobile Players in the world who hold the 11th to 20th spot. The PUBG Mobile player count has matched the number of those playing its closest competitor Fortnite. TQ Ayala AKA Gonzalo Ayala from Argentina.