Pubg Mobile Players Name
Tap the Rename Card.
Pubg mobile players name. Tap on Inventory in the bottom menu. How to Change Profile Name in PUBG Mobile. The organization currently hosts teams in Dota 2 Overwatch League of Legends Counter-Strike.
TS uHigh AKA Muhammad Dhiya Ulhaq from Malaysia. Click on the section below and find the rename card for the same. Klicken Sie um zu kopieren.
RRQ G9 AKA Pachachai Han from Thaialnd. On this page you can generate a name for PUBG or create a nickname with letters PU. Fügen Sie Ihre Namen hinzu teilen Sie mit Freunden.
Players Name of LGD Gaming. Access this link and create one of your preference. TQ Ayala AKA Gonzalo Ayala from Argentina.
Then simply click on the Inventory tab in the PUBG Mobile lobby. Open your PubG mobile game and go to the inventory option. Next 10 Best PUBG Mobile Players in the World 4 AM Xinhe AKA Li He from China.
If you want to change the name in PUBG Mobile you need a Name Card. You should see a rename card in the crate. How to change pubg name.