Pubg Mobile Point System
The outcomes of these games are going to determine what rank youre starting in for the season.
Pubg mobile point system. Season 15 of PUBG Mobile will see no major changes in the rank tier list. But wait those are mostly hackers they do just for fun by keeping their regular account seperate. PUBG MOBILE - NEW CHALLENGE POINTS SYSTEM EXPLAIN.
To showcase some of the worlds best competitive PUBG MOBILE players. 1st 15 points. The changes will be applicable from the upcoming PMPL Season 2.
Each kill is compensated with one point. At the outset youll be able to play 10 different games. Bronze Silver Gold Platinum Diamond Crown Ace and.
Silver 1500-1999 Points Needed. The highest pubg Mobile conqueror ranking Points are 11000. Wall hack aim lock flying in the air unlimited health etc.
You may see many pubg ran k push hack videos youtube. The Point System for PMPL ID S3 has not changed since the Tencent regulation changed 20 points for WWCD to 15 points. While the first and second other participants are granted 22 and 19 points separately.
At season beginning Pubg Conqueror points start from 4200 The Average ranking points 6200. Eighth to 12th place. Gold 2000-2500 Points Needed.