Pubg Mobile Rank System Points
In all this means the ranked.
Pubg mobile rank system points. Bronze 1200 to 1699 RP. What are the PUBG ranks. So playing in first or third person will mean youll be playing in a different ranked mode and your points or score wont be affected in others.
PUBG has six ranking tiers starting with Bronze and ending with Master. Moreover these players are getting a 2-3 thousand point drop in the ranking system. 2200 - 2699 RP Platinum.
There are 8 different tiers for Ranks in PUBG which progress as such. 3700 - 4199 RP Ace. How you play in one mode will not affect your ranking in others.
I am trying to understand what is the minimum I need to achieve at a specific rank to. Each tier has five divisions within them with 5 being the lowest and 1 the highest. 3200 - 3699 RP Crown.
Less than 10 matches played. Recently I have managed to hit Diamond and started to lose points even when being in TOP10 players. While limited on maps PUBG Mobile Lite does have a ranking system.
How exact you ask. 1700 - 2199 RP Gold. The Rank list now resembles PUBG Mobile.