Pubg Mobile Season 13 Week 4 Missions
Youre not expected to medkit your way to the equivalent of 10-11 extra spawns.
Pubg mobile season 13 week 4 missions. Now its time to see RP Week 4 mi. Upon completing a total of 10 missions PUBG Mobile will reward you with 200 RP. Hey Welcome to Pro Players Zone.
Week 4 mission explain season 13 pubg mobile full detail. Its a bit of a globetrotting adventure this time around with a few missions the average player might want to use skip tickets on to avoid any rage stemming from what can only be blamed on bad RNG. PUBG Mobile Season 13 Week 1 Elite Royale Pass Missions Restore 1000 Health in Classic mode.
Bootcamp Paradise Resort and Ha Tinh are the. Kill 28 enemies with SMGs in Sanhok in Classic mode. PUBG Week 4 Missions list.
PUBG Mobile - Season 13 Week 4 - 10 RP Challenge Missions RP တငရနအတက မစရငမ ၄ ပတမက. PUBG Mobile Season 15 Week 4 Royale Pass Missions Aid Mission. This post is on PUBG Season 13 Week 1 Missions This website is allover based on the PUBG MOBILE game.
Here are all the available PUBG Missions for the Sanhok Event in reverse chronological order. Miramar is a big map for completing the mission land in a place far away from the lane route. Its rare to see a kill mission with a specific weapon in mind not focus on a particular part of the map.
PUBG Mobile Season 13 Week 3 takes us out of the newly updated Miramar and straight back into it. 25 May 2021 0500PM. Players can upgrade to the Elite Pass for 600 UC and Elite Pass Plus for 1800 UC.