Pubg Mobile Season 20 Tier Rewards
The other rewards include 1300 silver fragments to.
Pubg mobile season 20 tier rewards. CrownV-I 430 AG 20 Classic coupen Name Tag 1300 silvers. Platinum Tier Rewards. So guys as you can see in above image 075 beta version rewards for each tier and we we can expect that reward will be the same on the global version of Pubg Mobile so this is what we know about season 3 rewards till now This page is still updating.
SilverV-I 180 AG 15 Coupens 400 silvers. Pubg Mobile Lite New Upcoming Leaks Season 28 winner pass and create and tier rewardpubgmobilelite. Before exploring the tier rewards of PUBG Mobile season 13 lets explore some rewards of the upcoming season.
So here are some of the PUBG Mobile Season 20 leaks. Unlock at RP 5. Check out the image decide for yourself if theres anything better you can ask for free.
Get Popularity Shout outs Wallpapers and special-member posts by joining out channel and supporting us by just tapping the link below. The reward for players who can reach Gold tier is equal to armor. Also gamers will get a special Legendary Team effect Season.
Here is the list. Along with the mask comes 800 silver fragments as a tier reward in Platinum. Marine Marauder - UZI.
PUBGM Season 20 can feature this beautiful AKM to be available at level 90 of the paid Royal pass plan. Play five matches upon reaching the tier. SEASON 14 LEAKS PUBG MOBILE SEASON 14 TIER REWARDS PUBG MOBILE SEASON 14 LEAKS RP THEME Fortnite mobile live 120 FPS Customs 1v1 2v2 3v3.