Pubg Mobile Season 8 Week 1
Maybe more of a novelty mission.
Pubg mobile season 8 week 1. Squad matches arent about amassing a dozen kills between you all. Join MobiGaming on. Travel for a total of 20000 meters while driving a vehicle in Classic mode.
Get bonus RP Points at the end of the season. Watch me playing PUBG MOBILE. New X SUIT in PUBG.
Deal 4000 damage in Payload. Before it was never really clear whether teammates had to be in the car or whether it didnt matter who was driving so long as it was a team effort. PUBG Mobile Season 19 Week 1 Paid Missions Travel more than 10000m while operating any vehicle with teammates in it in Classic mode.
Season 8 Week 6 Royale Pass Explained just an experiment video hehe. Although the way to secure it remains relatively the same. Kill an enemy from 200 meters away 2 times in Classic mode.
Here is a list of all the missions in Week 8 of PUBG Mobile Season 17. And for all the support you are showing. This one means you need to land 1500m away from where you pulled your parachute.
There arent many of these to go around. Shortened the duration of RP challenge missions from 8 weeks to 4 weeks reducing the game time requirements of RP at the same time. Free character voucher If you have trouble understanding.