Pubg Mobile Secret Locations Erangel
Pubg Mobile 070.
Pubg mobile secret locations erangel. Secret basements in PUBG Mobile Erangel have a lot of good loots. There is a secret loot place that most players often ignore in PUBG Mobile Erangel. Its located far from the main island where you will land on the play.
Another door of this basement is placed insides the house. When you play on this map you will be spawned on a small island surrounded by the sea. Check out secret locations of Erangel and Miramarfor more videos and tips subscribe and likeLIKE SHARE SUBSCRIBE.
PUBG MOBILE - EXCAVATE SECRET LOCATION IN ERANGEL AND VIKENDI MAP. FOUND AGAIN pubgmobile pubgsecretlocation 070updateFOLLOW ME ON- FAC. The house has a higher foundation than other houses in this village.
There is a secret basement outside the one-story house in blue in the small village to the West of Quarry. This place is most effective on the final circle you would be able to see all those crawling enemies from a mile away and. To the West of Quarry.
Once you are on top of the tree you have to be very careful about your movement as you can fall down from it pretty easily and get hurt. 1 Hide on top of the PCs in Erangel 2 Hidden cave loaded up with uncommon things on Vikendi 3 Snipe Quickly on top of a tall tower in Erangel 4 Climb on top of a tree in Erangel 5 A cave with a ton of valuable weapons on Miramar 40. GET LEVEL 3 LOOTFLARE GUN Welcome to our youtube channel RPinf.
PUBG Mobile Secret Locations 2021. Secret bot location of pubg mobile how to find bots in pubg mobilehow to find bots in Erangel how to get bots in pubg mobile how to increase kd in pubg mobil. Spawn Island In PUBG Mobile Erangel The spawn island is a small secret island located far to the Northeast of the main island.