Pubg Mobile Shutting Down
As scheduled the low-end version of the battle royale game PUBG called Lite is officially closing.
Pubg mobile shutting down. For those who dont know. PUBG Mobile was developed by Krafton Game Union which successively is owned by the South Korean company Bluehole Inc. PUBG Mobile To Shut Down In India Today Completely This Time The New Era update marked the end of an era for some.
Download PUBG Mobile Korean Version on PC Emulator. Thats right the game is no longer accessible to people living in China. PUBG Mobile the smartphone version of the hit battle royale game PlayerUnknowns Battlegrounds has been shut down in China by its publisher.
The newest announcement means the publishing rights of PUBG Mobile now rest with the parent company rather than Tencent. The decision to shut down PUBG Lite accompanies a statement about the future roadmap shedding light on the game developers intentions to shift its focus toward new ventures. In an unexpected announcement Krafton has let the world know that the PlayerUnknowns Battlegrounds game publisher is pulling the plug on PUBG Mobile Lite.
Even though it was one of the most popular mobile games Tencent has shut down the mobile version of PUBG in China. Battlegrounds Mobile India Receives Patch to Fix Issues Such as Shutting Down Loading Screen Problems PUBG Mobiles Indian avatar still has some known issues that are yet to be fixed. This game has been casuing my pc to hard shutdown and boot up again.
PUBG Mobile will see its servers shut down in India on October 30th 2020. What happens to my data. Tencent has now made an official statement that service access to PUBG Mobile Nordic Map.
PUBG Lite shutting down officially worldwide. As PUBG Mobile continues to grow in popularity so too do the communities targeting the game for profit. PUBG Mobile Lite versions journey is coming to an end.