Pubg Mobile Vs Pubg Mobile Kr
Vietnamese version has the same gameplay and features as the global version.
Pubg mobile vs pubg mobile kr. PUBG MOBILE KR ORIGINAL 15 APKOBB. Call of duty mobile vs pubg mobile battle royale comparison best mobile battle royale 2019 cod mobile vs. All versions of PUBG MOBILE KR PUBG MOBILE KR is the Korean version of the famous action-packed game PUBG.
The log-in rewards of the VN version. PUBG Mobile KR is the Korean version of PUBG Mobile which is specially designed for Korea and Japan. Join the 3rd anniversary celebration event and get chicken medals and permanent skins until May 26 Collaboration Theme Mode.
PUBG is a multi-play game offering free-to-play one-on-one matches and team matches and holds esports every season bringing in diverse attractions. Subscribe to see mo. Lade PUBG MOBILE KR 150 für Android kostenlos und ohne Viren von Uptodown herunter.
PUBG MOBILE KR APK OBB latest version download for free. So if you think youre a die-hard PUBG fan you have to try this version too. These two exclusive game versions remain the original gameplay and form of the global version.
These crates consist of legendary and. Special Event for KR Service 3rd Anniversary PUBGM is 3 years old. Version 150 15331 Erangel-Hundred Rhythms Introduction of Motor Glider and Mosin Nagant Version.
Watch the latest video from PUBG_MOBILE pubg_mobile_kr. In PUBG Mobile KR players can buy premium and legendary crates with in-game BP Battle Point coins. This game replaces the global version of PUBG Mobile because certain changes are made in it to better align with the local rules and regulations.