Pubg Mobile Weapon Damage
DP-28 is the most highly recommended weapon for supporters in PUBG Mobile Lite.
Pubg mobile weapon damage. The weapon stats data is NOT OFFICIAL since PUBG Mobile only has their gun statistic in power bar. With large ammo capacity and high base damage this weapon allows you to cause a great amount of damage to enemies and contribute damage to clear enemy teams quickly. These values are estimated by doing an experiment in the private lobby.
This weapon also uses a 762mm ammunition and is available across most maps except Sanhok. Mk47 Mutant 49 AKM 47. The damage of these PUBG Mobile guns are according to Zillion Gamer.
PUBG weapon damage stats and charts including the new MP5K. Below you will see PUBG Mobile weapon tables with detailed info our recommendations for each category and some tips and. Time to kill Burst mode.
Some of these are good for short range while some can help you get a kill from over 300 meters and so here are the best weapons in PUBG Mobile based on the damage they deal. Damage per shotgun pellet. But it is clearly slower.
Before diving into the tables there are a few things to bear in mind. Hey Gamers If You Playing Pubg Mobile Full Form Of PUBG Player Unknown Battle Ground Game And You Are Looking For All Pubg Mobile Weapons Damage List So In This Article I Will Provide You All The Information Of Pubg Mobile In Weapon Field Here I Am Showing All The Gun Information In List Wise So Read The Chart And List Clearly. PUBG Weapons Ranked By DamagePUBGpubgmobiletipsandtricks pubg weapons ranked by damagepubg mobile guns rankedevery gun in pubg mobile ranked from worst to.
Info for PUBG version 122151 Generated 20210630. Weapon Base Damage Fire Rate Reload Duration Spawn Rate Avg. So the AK or Beryl have more damage than most 556 guns but that is not the case for the FAMAS.