Pubg Mobile X Godzilla Vs Kong
Godzilla VS Kong in PUBG Mobile.
Pubg mobile x godzilla vs kong. Sie werden so groß wie ein Insekt sein. Godzilla Kong and Mechagodzilla arrive in PUBG Mobiles version 14 update which also brings microcosm gameplay a new vehicle Hangar which is new arena m. Siapkan diri kalian untuk salah satu kolaborasi epik dari PUBG Mobile dengan Godzilla dan Kong Akan ada mode permainan di mana kalian akan berhadapan la.
Auch der Kampf auf der Erangel-Karte scheint sich aufgrund dieser Neuerungen zu verändern. Tap the button below to get the GodzillaKong avatar frame and change your avatar to the Titan you support. LIKE For more pubg mobile videosComment what type of video you want next tips tricks how to weapon challenge world record trick shot or high kill g.
Penjelasan Mode Event Kolaborasi PUBG Mobile x Godzilla vs Kong. The completely new game mode has put players in-between the great battle of the sea monster Godzilla and the humongous gorilla King Kong a conflict based on the movie Godzilla vs Kong. Mei 12 2021 Play on BlueStacks 5 Pertama kali diumumkan pada acara perayaan ulang tahun PUBG Mobile yang ketiga akhirnya event kolaborasi antara PUBG Mobile dan Godzilla vs Kong telah terungkap.
The film two of cinemas biggest titans is available internationally in the US and on HBO Max for 31 days from its theatrical release. The PUBG Mobile x Godzilla vs. Kong collaboration event was revealed by Tencent during its 3rd-anniversary livestream.
Choose your team and post your support on Facebook and Twitter. The battle between the two Titans is about to begin. Video from uAriBlue626 on Reddit.
The Godzilla vs Kong game mode is already available in the beta version of PUBG Mobile. Juni 2021 werden PUBG Mobile-Spieler die Möglichkeit haben sich mit dem Mikrokosmos-Gameplay zu verkleinern und über die Karte zu teleportieren. PUBG Mobile Update was ist neu.