Pubg Pc Also Ban
Interestingly the PC and console versions of.
Pubg pc also ban. PUBG Mobile ban is a big loss for PUBG Corporation. PUBG Mobile a game made by the worlds tech giant Tencent is said to be one of Indias biggest games. As of last December the PUBG cheating problem meant developer PUBG Corp.
The Government of India has banned the use of mobile applications by PUBG namely PUBG mobile and PUBG mobile lite and not PUBG as a whole entity. Also they hope the ban on the game would be lifted. The government of India has only banned the Tencent owned mobile versions of PUBG Mobile and PUBG Mobile Lite.
Recently PUBG Corporation said they would take over all the tasks in India. Ich bekomme eine Nachricht über Ban. Hello and Welcome guys to an another episode of Gaming NEWS.
Is Paytm Banned In India After Governments Latest Salvo Against 118 Chinese Apps. About me -Hey Im Sreekesh a budding gamer new to this world of PC gaming. Ill try my best to entertain you if my gameplay doesnt.
In fact PUBG and PUBG. PUBG Corp the Korean Publisher is responsible for running PUBG on PC. India was also one of the biggest markets for TikTok - which has been banned since June.
Pubg ban in indiapubg ban after 2 month pubg kr version is not ban in indiapubgbaninindiaban kab hatega india. The new ban list also includes two apps that supposedly offer. Ich werde es nicht mehr tun.