Pubg Pc Change Name
Changing the Name in the Most Easy PUBG Open PUBG Mobile.
Pubg pc change name. The name change was first noticed by PC Gamer who reported that the games splash screen and store pages had been changed from PlayerUnknowns Battlegrounds to PUBG. The games name has been changed. Finish all levels up to Level 10.
PUBG will be able to know that you want to change your name and presentation so that you start with a new game. How to Change name in PUBG Mobile. Go to the Store and then enter the Other tab.
As spotted by PC Gamer the name change took place in July with the PlayerUnknown portion of the title being essentially buried on Steam in favor of the PUBG title. To change the name in PUBG PC you must essentially follow the same steps as in the mobile version. There was no method built into the game to change your name after you set it.
Gather your mission rewards for Level 10. I dont really mind the one I have in the game but just wondering if I can change it or not. Is there a way to change your username in-game.
Tap the Rename Card. In the right side menu tap on the crate icon at the bottom. How to change name in PUBG PC - YouTube.
Tap the PUBG icon on your screen and wait for the home screen. They dont even ask you to confirm if its what you want. You can easily set your name appearance and mobile account on PUBG.