Pubg Pc Competitive Settings
In pubg lite it does not take a lot in system resources so I will suggest you set high or ultra for nice visuals.
Pubg pc competitive settings. I will explain and show you how to set every setting in PUBG PC. We go over every option and discuss the visual difference and FPS chang. Brightness This one is a more personal choice.
Now open Program Settings and find TlsGame on the drop-down menu. But this will depend on how much Video Memory your Graphics Card or iGPU has. Click on Properties Click on Set launch options.
For competitive gameplay it is recommended to set shadow to very low or low. Whether you want to get more competitive just tweak your settings. Now open the Graphics tab.
Right click on the Game in Steam. Check the power settings on your computer so they are set to high performance instead of the defaulted balanced Change your graphic card driver settings to be more performance-oriented just google nvidia or amd driver settings Step 2. Launch PUBG PC and open the settings by clicking on the options icon on the top right Looks like a gear.
The Best PUBG Settings Advanced Graphics Anti-Aliasing. Find TlsGame on the drop-down menu and add it. For laptop users set your laptop at High-Performance mode.
It should be there now and if its still not there add it manually at CProgram Files. This is the best PUBG settings for you it is limited to the best your monitor can do. Seeing as you can see more of the battlefield with it turned up to the highest we so no.