Pubg Pc Graphics Card Requirements
Usually the average FPS can reach 40 to 50 when playing PUBG under the minimum PC requirements.
Pubg pc graphics card requirements. The new min spec of. But it can drop to 25 to 30 FPS during the intense game process. GTX 1660 highlights a number of features being compared to its cost.
To install PUBG you should have at least 30GB of free disk space. More specifically PUBG Lites minimum video card requirement is the same as Fortnites. The game uses a beastly amount of RAM so fidgeting with PUBG settings goes to be necessary if youre under 16 GB.
Intel i5 Nvidia 660 2gb 8gb ram People Ive already spoken to say i5 and 8gb is fine but the graphics card could do with an update - agree. Now for the Graphics Card we would like to suggest you 1060 3GB will be efficient enough to load the game at 60fps or 1080p. The AMD Radeon R7 370 is the smallest graphic card you can use.
Minimum requirements are minimum requirements to run PUBG and may not provide the smoothest gameplay experience. All you need is an Intel HD Graphics 4000 or better. These are the recommended system specs for running the game.
64-bit Windows 7 Windows 81 Windows 10. Intel Core i5-7500 Intel Core i3-8100 AMD Ryzen 5 2400G Video Card. These days everybody is obsessed with PUBG.
What graphics card do I need for PUBG. It is probably the best graphic card for PUBG by NVIDIA. Though PUBG Game runs fine on.