Pubg Pc Is Banned Or Not
Yes it is perfectly legal to play PUBG on PCs in India as governments list only talks about the mobile versions of the game.
Pubg pc is banned or not. Why is PUBG PC not banned. They unbanned all mistakenly restricted accounts in a fairly. The game had spawned quite a following both in cities and towns.
In this video about 47 banned apps and pubg game banned or not news Note. You should not team up with enemy or travel with enemy in the game. The Government of India has banned the use of mobile applications by PUBG namely PUBG mobile and PUBG mobile lite and not PUBG.
Upcoming PUBG on computers is still not banned in India Heres why PUBG. The Indian government banned the. Besides the point the man still did something wrong.
PUBG Corp the Korean Publisher is responsible for running PUBG on PC. Your Appeal Process Is Smoother With DoNotPay. Is it legal to play PUBGs PC version in India.
All the images videos shown in this video belongs to the Respected owners and. The major difference between the two is that PUBG mobile is distributed and marketed by Tencent Games a company of Chinese origins and whose servers are also situated in China. दसत इस वडय क मदद स आपक यह जनन म आसन हग क Pubg Game इडय म Ban.
Fun-360-Studio September 3 2020 300 pm September 3 2020 0. In recent months many players have had their accounts on PUBG banned for no reason. Can you play it on PC.