Pubg Pc Is Dead
Bluehole sat counting their billions of dollars for more than a year and now finally REAL studios have a far superior BR game coming out in a matter of weeks.
Pubg pc is dead. Yes quite like a person who remains missing for more than six months is presumed dead. Yes the PUBG Lite is Dead not PUBG Mobile Lite however the PUBG PC Lite game isnt any extra accessible to obtain from thirtieth March 2021 and the PUBG Lite servers can be shut down from twenty ninth April 2021. Although it all looks awful PUBG Corporation has promised new changes and updates coming to the title soon.
So watching PUBG PC going down like this is something I dont enjoy. Valorant CSGo Pubg and Free Fire Are Among the Titles Nominated for the eSports Awards 2021. However fame faded over time.
And yes PUBG is dying both competitively and casually. I think it is not good idea. Despite losing hundreds of thousands of players PUBG is not dead yet.
While PUBG numbers are slowing on PC its doing awesome on mobile. Its alive and well across multiple platforms. Its still far ahead from most battle royale games.
Wtf just 5 crashs in 1 hour. I dont now what this always happyneng with new updates. PUBG is not dead.
Pc Dude if you visited the cheapo gaming pubs that I visit then youd think PUBG lite is the only game people play. My friends still play PUBG but I think most people are playing Warzone like me. Or it might actually be PUBG mobile on emulator.