Pubg Pc Krafton
Krafton the parent company of PUBG Studios the gaming division responsible for PUBG is planning something interesting.
Pubg pc krafton. Is a collective of independent game development studios brought together to create innovative and engaging entertainment experiences for gamers across the world. PUBG New State is ready to launch in October 2021. Das Unternehmen kündigte außerdem an dass für PUBG in Q3 2021 und Q4 2021Q1 2022 zwei neue 8x8-Karten kommen.
BATTLEGROUNDS is celebrating the end of Summer by hosting a Free Play Week during which players can experience the full game completely free on PC. These new games will land on the PC smartphones as well as gaming consoles. Die Person sollte auch die.
Anfang Juni wird die Karte Miramar ein vollständiges visuelles Update erhalten. In this article we are going to. Wir hoffen dass sowohl.
At present Krafton began the pre-registration for the following part of alpha testing for PUBG. 10 2021 KRAFTON Inc. Is a collective of independent game development studios brought together to create innovative and engaging entertainment experiences for gamers across the world.
As to the future of the PUBG brand there is already PUBG Mobile 15. Free Play Week is. According to the latest information the company is likely working on releasing new games as part of the PUBG universe.
The first game is probably a sequel for the original game for PC. PUBG New State will be the next installment in KRAFTONs famous PUBG Mobile franchise. PUBG Creator Krafton is going to expand the PUBG universe much further in 2022.