Pubg Pc Lite Vs Pubg Mobile Emulator
Both versions of the PUBG have their own fan following.
Pubg pc lite vs pubg mobile emulator. But also it has lots of disadvantages like no autopick and Friendly fire. Due to these requirements many players are not able to run PUBG on their PC and after the release of PUBG Mobile Tencent developed Game Buddy Emulator so that PC Players could also experience PUBG Mobile on their PC but now Bluehole has developed PUBG PC Lite also known as PUBG. One is on your smartphone or second on your personal computer.
Lots of people like to play on emulator because the mobile players can play with emulator players. But PUBG PC Lite is made for Low-end computers and laptops which have either lower version of graphics card or dont have one at all. There is lots of advantages of PUBG PC lite over the PUBG Mobile Emulator.
There is no denying that the light version of PUBG Mobile game is the best attempt of the team development when they try to give chances to everyone so they can play. PUBG Pc lites graphics are not that good like PUBG PC but it is far better and realistic than PUBG Mobile. PUBG Lite is now available to play in India and Today in this video we will show you How To install it and will also tell you if its better than the Emulator version.
The weapon recoil is exactly like the original game which kind of what makes the game more horror and. Pubg Mobile on Emulator. Graphics of PUBG Emulator is a little bit cartoonish because it is designed to run on mobile devices.
PUBG PC is a multi-player game. Ultimate Guide on Download Pubg PC on Steam. PUBG Lite for PC.
Written by PubgLite Published on December 9 2020. The procedure to play the PUBG solo vs squad mode is very easy and all you need to do is follow the steps given below. How to Properly PUBG Mobile Lite.