Pubg Pc Map
King of the Kill.
Pubg pc map. Within these maps a red zone periodically spawns onto random citieslocations causes explosions within that area and also periodically a C-130 flys over the map and drops an air drop. PC Patch Notes Update 131. This is the first map where PUBG implements a Black Zone where the layout changes every match.
The Maps are the playable area where players are pitted against each other in BATTLEGROUNDS. PUBG uses its platforms and voice to support and promote causes and movements beyond gaming universe. As a result of this PUBG for PC is no longer free and you will have to purchase the game.
Taego is an 8-km-by-8-km map set in the Korean countryside. See all patch notes. Hierbei handelt es sich um eine fiktionale Insel in der Nähe Russlands.
Download PUBG MOBILE on PC Big maps are always frustrating for the players especially when it comes to battle royale games. All the maps in the game are based on different terrains. Inoffizielle PLAYERUNKNOWNS BATTLEGROUNDS interaktive Karte.
Datamined vehicle boat loot weapon spawn locations. SpecsIntel Core i5 10600KGigabyte Z490 Gaming X32GB Corsair Vengeance RGB DDR4MSI Gaming X Trio RTX 2080 8GBDiscord. PUBG Mobile is one of the battle royale games out there that has a good combination of maps.
Datamined vehicle boat loot weapon spawn locations. PUBG Interactive Map - Sanhok Inoffizielle PLAYERUNKNOWNS BATTLEGROUNDS interaktive Karte. BATTLEGROUNDS is a battle royale shooter that pits 100 players against each other in a struggle for survival.