Pubg Pc New Map Karakin
One of the major changes that the new season will bring will be the introduction of a new map called Karakin.
Pubg pc new map karakin. PUBG PCs new map Karakin is now ready to be played on the test servers. PlayerUnknowns Battlegrounds PC is just about to commence its sixth season. You can play Karakin Map on the PUBG PC.
PUBG live server on PC just got the patch 61 the first update of season 6. Among other additions the highlight of this season is a new desert-themed map called Karakin. We saw the battle royale game introduce throwables and vending machines a couple of months ago.
The PUBG live server on PC has just received patch 61 the first update in Season 6. Newsgeek PUBG Pubg patch notes PUBG update 61 has officially landed on Test Servers to kick off Season 6. El servidor en vivo de PUBG en PC acaba de obtener el parche 61 la primera actualización de la temporada 6Entre otras características nuevas esta temporada contará con un nuevo mapa con temática del desierto llamado Karakin.
The new map of PUBG is now available for everyone on PC. The new PUBG map gives the latest flavor to the game. Subscribe to my new YouTube channel for RP giveaway.
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With the tag line Higher tension faster pace. And now PUBG for PC has received a major new update that swaps out the cold terrains of Vikendi for a smaller new islandic map Karakin. Usually in other maps you jump out of a plane at 800 meters but in Karakin you need to make that jump at around 350 meters.