Pubg Pc New Sniper Rifle
The Lynx AMR is an.
Pubg pc new sniper rifle. One of its main downsides though is that it. According to the developers own patch notes available to view on the PUBG website the new Mosin-Nagant sniper rifle is a Kar98k for all intents and purposes with all of the weapons stats attachments ammunition etc. With PUBG PC Sniper Rifles you can reach out to more valued information about this battle royale game.
NEW SNIPER WITH 15x GAMEPLAY PUBG MOBILE MOSIN NAGANT. Despite Blueholes earlier suggestion that PUBGs second monthly update would be postponed to next week as reported below its now. Take a tour in PUBG PC Sniper Rifles for free on PUBG PC Game.
Its got higher damage bullet velocity and reload times between each round which makes it much easier to use than its vintage counterpart. Well that didnt take long. Bring the Mosin Nagant to your next sniper fightStay up to date with PUBG Website.
Assault Rifles are weapons with medium-high ammo capacity and the ability to place a lot of rounds downrange quickly. Regular vehicles require two or. This update brings a lot of new and cool features and the new sniper is one of them.
HttpbitlyBushkaExclusive0910Follow PUBG MOBILE for updates and newsFacebook. Sniper Rifles SR are a type of weapon in BATTLEGROUNDS. This video is sponsored by PUBG MOBILE get it for free here.
Here we have some gameplay of the new upcoming sniper in pubgm and also 15x which might be com. Unlike most other firearms the new PUBG sniper rifle can destroy weaker vehicles like motorcycles in just one shot. Directly copied from the Kar98k.