Pubg Pc Patch Notes
Lets jump into it.
Pubg pc patch notes. Das Update liefert unter anderem das Miramar Remaster welches schon längst überflüssig war sowie ein neues Fahrzeug verbessert die Bots und startet die Ranglistensaison 12 und. Featured Patch Notes PC. Update 131 - Patchnotes.
Patchnotes zum PC-Update 121 samt Miramar Remaster. Update 101 ist ein großer Sprung für PUBG der mit vielen Inhalten und Verbesserungen gefeiert wird. Haltet Ausschau nach Wildtieren mit Vogelschwärmen die auf Spielerbewegungen und Schüsse reagieren was euch ein.
An update was released to resolve an issue that causes combat feed messages to be delayed. The Techgadgetguides is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. Today with Update 122 were excited to release our newest 88 map.
PLAYERUNKNOWNS BATTLEGROUNDS and PUBG are registered trademarks trademarks or service marks of PUBG CORPORATION. Console An update will be released later this week today to resolve an issue that causes. The announcement taken above comes from the official PUBG Support Twitter page.
Taego Updates We would like to thank all players for playing Taego introduced in the last 122 update. We cannot express our thanks enough for all the great feedback and player comments regarding the release of Taego with Update 122. We have received a lot of player.
Patchnotes zum PC-Update 112. See below for details. Ranked gamemodes are back up.