Pubg Pc Spec Requirements
Current system requirements as of August 8th 2018 from Steam store page.
Pubg pc spec requirements. CPU 24GHz Core i3. PUBG requires a Radeon RX 580 4GB graphics card with a Core i5-6600K 35GHz or Ryzen R5 1600 processor to reach the PUBG. Play PUBG on higher graphics settings with a computer that passes the recommended system requirements test.
PUBG minimum system requirements for PC. The cheapest graphics card you can play it on is an AMD Radeon R7 370. Memory Is Less Than 8 GB.
A user can use this. Note that these specifications are slightly advanced than they used to be earlier. 16 GB of system RAM is also needed to help your system get the most out of your PUBG experience.
Very low settings are less CPU-intensive while higher settings are more GPU-intensive. Fortunately there is good. PUBG Mobile cannot run on the PC directly.
In other words these version can also run on low end. Unfortunately not all gamer have a computer with specs adequate to run the game genre battle royale that. 64-bit Windows 7 Windows 81 Windows 10 CPU.
Intel i5-4430 AMD FX-6300 Memory. The game uses a beastly amount of RAM so fidgeting with PUBG settings goes to be necessary if youre under 16 GB. While the developers recommend PUBG PC requirements of a Radeon GPU you will get comparable performances with a GeForce GTX 1060 or a GTX 1050 if you dont mind sacrificing graphics quality a touch.