Pubg Pc Streamers In India
Only Soul Mortal comes near Dynamo in terms of popularity.
Pubg pc streamers in india. The man named Aadii runs this channel. Streamers invited to PUBG PC India Invitational. The great thing about the Soul Mortal team is that he chooses to play the game on mobile instead of an emulator.
He is the leader and the owner of the Hydra clan. In every match we play we see d-sync issues and our damage not registering before the opponent player whose name is. Dynamo Gaming aka Aaditya Deepak Sawant is the most popular Indian PUBG Mobile streamer and player.
Apart from being a streamer he is also a professional Esports competitive player. He mostly uses PC emulator for gaming. Call of Duty has been a renowned FPS franchise for a long time so naturally Call of Duty Mobile has become the first option for many PUBG Mobile streamers to try out.
When it comes to PUBG Mobile he is regarded as the best player ever. He has approximately 689 Million subscribers and will soon be the first Indian gamer to reach 7 Million subscribers. The event will run from July 24th to June 25th.
He manages to attract and influence huge crowd with the skill he possesses in PUBG. He has played many tournaments in Mumbai cafe won them motivating him to start his own channel. Naman who is also known as MortaL is an extremely popular figure in the Indian gaming scene.
Mortal from Soul Mortal clan is one of the famous PUBG Mobile gamers in India. The Second Angle has brought to you the list of 10 best PUBG Mobile streamers in India to get back to. His live streaming videos titled patt se headshot are very popular on YouTube.