Pubg Pc Vs Xbox
Eine Fassung für die Playstation 4 ist nicht ausgeschlossen liegt aber offenbar in weiter Ferne.
Pubg pc vs xbox. Unfortunately the PUBG version of Xbox One. This thread is archived. Pubg is almost finished on pc and on Xbox its going in beta pubg doesnt run that good on high end pc but if you just want to play it you can go for any Xbox versions the Xbox one x was supposed to be running it on 60 fps but for now its 30 on all versions.
PUBG released on the PC a long time ago and recently PUBG corp has released the game on the Xbox One. PUBG Xbox OneOne X VS PC graphical comparison This is the PUBG graphical comparison PUBG is one of the most successful games of 2017. Dort bestätigte PUBG-Producer Chang Han Kim dass sie Crossplay zwischen PC.
This game is my favorite game right now and even with all of the bugs and issues I still really enjoy this game. I am not a coder. Press J to jump to the feed.
PlayerUnknowns Battlegrounds On PC Kills Battlegrounds On Xbox One X. GameStar PCs Gaming PCs Notebooks. HttpwwwonedeWe compare the graphics of PUBG PlayerUnkowns Battlegrounds on PC with Ultra settings Xbox One X.
PC vs XBOX ONE. I would also like to state what is going to become very obvious in a moment. Remember this is all on Xbox.
PUBG is still in early access and it has already sold a lot more than 20 million copies. Most PUBG players are familiar with the lack of optimization on PC and to achieve a higher frame rate turn down graphical quality. Diese Info geht aus einem Interview mit VG247 hervor.