Vikendi Pubg Mobile Secret Cave
Since there is almost no loot in this place most people dont bother coming here.
Vikendi pubg mobile secret cave. Not many PUBG Mobile players know where the cave is located and how to enter the cave. Find out how to get to the secret cave of the Vikendi map on PUBG and PUBG Mobile using our guide. The cave can be accessed by throwing a Frag Grenade or ramming a vehicle at the rocks blocking one.
PUBG Secret Cave. A lot of loot types are included from armors and guns placed on top. Nevertheless we may get to see.
PUB GFX Tool Apk PUBG GFX Tool Pro v0183 Cracked Apk. One of the tunnels that leads into Vikendi secret cave PUBG Mobile This cave is pretty much a treasure trove full of loot a reward for players who managed to solve its secrets. Expand the description to view more information D first time at top secret epic mission in cave O with my bro.
PUBG Mobile Tips - Finding Secret Cave Location in Vikendi Snow map and how to get into it to loot a lot of good equipmentThere is a Secret Cave in Vikendi. PUBG Vikendi Secret Cave Location Entrance As shown on the map below the Vikendi Secret Cave is situated directly between Podvosto and Pehkova. The secret cave in the old Vikendi The new tunnel is placed in a place that most people dont want to land on the Cargo Depot.
You can actually see the. Crashing a car into a cliff is one of the ways to open a cave. CRN v158 Bypass LD PLAYER PUBG MOBILE 0190.
Located west of Peshkova and northeast of Podvosta Vikendi features a hidden cave full of empty air drop crates with the exception of 2 that contain randomized air drop loot. PUBG Mobile LD Player 0185 Hack ESP Magic Bullet Aimbot. More new features may come to PUBG For now the secret caves can only be found on the PUBG PC test servers.