What Does The Companion Do In Pubg Mobile
By going through everything in the.
What does the companion do in pubg mobile. Players can also get more Companion Shards in. Players can easily find the Falconry Manual in the time. It doesnt improve or help in gameplay its just a showpiece to make the player feel awesome.
The November 2019 update brought this intriguing feature of having a companion in PUBG Mobile. You dont need to worry because this companion doesnt provide any stat at all thus making the game more balanced. If you have are not aware of it you will find the option in your Lobby.
This feature allowed players to get a bird called Falcon as their companion in the survival game. However the companion does not it is just an add on to a players character where it is only visible to you and your teammates as per the game description. Falcon companion in PUBG Mobile.
Falcon companion sits on the player shoulder and move around player and do some action and sound. Falcon companion is like a charm or accessories which player can wear or use. A falcon companion is a bird that sits on a players shoulder or flies alongside as he or she moves throughout a game.
You can easily find the Falconry Manual in the time-limited event menu. Look at the bottom left near the chatmessages button and you will find the eagle. PUBG Mobile dev always tries to give the game new content to make it fun fresh for players while keeping the game balancedWhile the companion doesnt give you any advantage it fun to watch it flying around you doing cool animation.
The 0155 update is now available in PUBG Mobile with a new vehicle a new weapon a new map and especially a Companion system. This active companion in PUBG Mobile is expected to guide and assist you in your hunt in the game. PUBG Mobile chooses the White Eagle as the active companion for players.