Where To Find Golden Mirado In Pubg Mobile
The catch is that the beautiful Golden Mirado is spawned only at one location in the Mad Miramar map.
Where to find golden mirado in pubg mobile. The best of which is the rare Golden Mirado. Now that you know the vehicle location be prepared and get the Golden Mirado. Location of new golden mirador PUBG MOBILE Nilescout Hi guys welcome to new game streaming subscribe for daily pubg videos THANK YOU.
So you could expect only one Golden Mirado on the whole map. TOP Places to find Golden Mirado Secret Location and Vending Machine in Miramar PUBG MobileWhy I disappeared. Steps to find the new Golden Mirado car in the latest Mad Miramar map in PUBG Mobile.
All you have to do is land on that spot as quickly. What is the best place to find Golden Mirado in PUBG mobile. It is the fastest and the most stable vehicle on the map.
But heres come the secret. The car added to the game with the new update we can say that we are definitely coming out at certain points on the Mad Miramar map. The garage of Hacienda del Patron is marked in the map shown above.
To find Golden Mirado in PUBG Mad Miramar brings all kinds of new content to PUBG Mobile. This will also help you get through the desert storms. Golden Mirado is only available in the garage near San Martin at Hacienda del Patron check this video for full information.
This indicates the same location in PUBG Mobile should spawn the vehicle as well. But it is difficult to find one. We told you where you can find the new golden car special for those who ask where PUBG Mobile Golden Mirado will come out.