Where To Spend Bp In Pubg Mobile
Select Crates and then Soldier Crate to unlock a randomised drop of gear.
Where to spend bp in pubg mobile. By completing a match you can earn PUBG Battle points. With over 400 million players worldwide and more new players joining the Royal Fighting genre every day the game seems a bit short on instruction. Skip this lesson watchEasy lesson of spend BPhttpsyoutubeR8f_MMJEet4.
To spend BP coins in PUBG go to the Shop on the right side of the app screen. Players can also change the appearance of their character by spending BP. Unwanted gear can also be dismantled to redeem coins at the Limited-Time store while any items you want can be used to customise your appearance.
Now as soon as the Friends window opens on the app screen click on Game Friends which is the second option on the right of your app screen. After each match youll earn an amount of BP which can only be used to buy Soldier Crates and change your avatars appearance or gender. If you go to the ShopCratesSoldier Crate that is the only way to spend BP.
How to spend BP in PUBG Mobile. Now head towards the Crates section. BP coin in Silver coinhow to S.
Can you buy BP in PUBG. Players only need to go to the Shop and find the Crates section. Spending BP is easy.
All you have to do to make these triggers work is to go into your settings in PUBG Mobile and customise your controls. Of course the mechanics of a fighter rally such as. Furthermore youll likewise earn different amounts of PUBG BP relying upon which mode you play.